To celebrate this year’s Mother’s Day we are honoring our clients by highlighting their personal stories on motherhood throughout the month of May.
Nothing compares to a mother’s love! The journey of motherhood is a unique and wonderful experience, but ask any mother and they will tell you that it is also the hardest job in the world. Making time to relax is a difficult thing in the life of a mother, but it is of great importance too. We all know the saying “happy mom, happy baby(/family/home)”. That only means one thing – mothers should be honored with time for self-care!
At Kua Body we are lucky enough to work with some amazing women who have given us an insight into their lives as mothers, or mothers-to-be and have entrusted us with the job of taking care of their body through massage. Why massage? Read on and find out how massage has helped and still helps these women as they raise their beautiful children.
– Regina –
How has the relationship with your massage therapist helped you throughout your pregnancy and motherhood?
Time is something we rarely gift ourselves. Time to pause, heal and center. Bringing new life into the world, I sought out this time through massage. The gift it gave me back extended far beyond physical strength. Massage with Upuia brought clarity, calm and energy to take on a huge unknown — motherhood. When you find something good, you don’t let it go. You invest in it more. I continue to see Upuia and staff.
I give the gift they’ve given me to others because quality time like this is one of the best things we can give the ones we care about in this hurried world. In Thai Massage, you flex and breathe together. There’s a trust and partnership — a natural flow that speaks to shared energy. You’re stretched sometimes farther than you thought you could go. You leave the massage stronger for it. Upuia and team know when to push me forward and pull me back in a way that always bring me to center. Thankful for the expertise and care they bring to this craft. It’s truly a gift.
– Regina, Kua Body client

– Jenn –
How important has massage been for you throughout motherhood, and how has it benefited your life?
Having pre natal massage gave me a sense of calm and helped prepared me for an all natural childbirth. Pre Natal Massage relieved my physical ailments from pregnancy and refreshed my state of mind.
After giving birth I continued with massage and it sincerely helped me be a more grounded and focused new mother. We tend to forget ourselves with all our new duties as a new parent and it is vital that moms take the time and give energy to their well being.
– Jenn, Kua Body client

– Carolina –
If you received pre-natal massage, how did it influence/benefit your pregnancy and possibly your delivery?
Being a mother and a massage therapist I understand the importance of getting massage regularly. As mothers we put everyone and everything before ourselves. It is so helpful to our mind, body and soul to get massage regularly.
I was lucky enough to receive pre-natal massage with my second child. It was very helpful. Our bodies are accommodating the growth of a baby so there are a lot of changes that happen. I had sciatica problems and massage helped me keep myself standing and working. It helped keep my muscles loose and prevented them from spasming out.
Pregnancy massage offers specialized relief for the muscles, ligaments, joints, and bones as they adjust to accommodate a growing baby.
– Eryn –
How has massage helped you?
I am a mother of three active amazing children. I adore them and want to be as present with them as possible. But, boy that’s hard work! Some days I do it well, and other days (many days), well, not so much. I have recently realized how much I set the tone for my family. If I am not doing what I need to care for myself and keep centered and steady, my kids feed off that and all crazy breaks loose!
Self-care and self-love are what it’s all about. I was raised by parents who modeled this well. So, thankfully it comes naturally. For me, that’s doing things like hiking with my dog, quiet time with myself, a good cup of coffee, saying yes only when I mean it, connecting with my girlfriends, weekly date nights with my husband, meditation, regular massages and sometimes a really amazing ice cream sunday on the couch watching TV.
These things are not easy to get. All of us moms are salmons swimming upstream on a daily basis. Massage is self-care personified. You are literally making an appointment to care foryourself. You have to set aside time, turn off your phone (I hope!!), be vulnerable and open to someone else helping you, and just be in the moment and relax. I have always loved getting massages. But, when I started a business a little over a year ago that requires heavy lifting and long hours on my feet, I decided pretty quickly to make getting regular massages a priority. This decision has made such difference for me– -both physically and mentally. Setting aside this regular appointment to make both myself and my body a priority has not only helped me to stay physically fit, but has

supported my desire to stay a calm and happy mama/wife/woman. Look, finding the time is not easy. But, I will tell you my secret: middle of the day massages. It feels indulgent. I am embarrassed to admit to it. But, Holy Mama, a massage right before school pick-up and afternoon sprints is just about the best thing around.
-Eryn, Kua Body client
We would like to thank all of our clients for their willingness to share personal stories and for their continuous feedback and support.
If you would like to share a personal story or learn more about the specific benefits of massage, get in touch here.

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